Monday, November 8, 2010

Wall Art

There's a lot of art happening around here these days. I made these at a church social. They are just textured wall paper wrapped around stretcher bars (available at craft and hobby stores) and stapled in place.

Then I painted mine Intense Teal by Behr! I thought the color might be a little too intense, but I loved it so much I decided just to go for it. It took about 3/4 of the little sample jars you can get at Home Depot. After the paint dried, I glazed over it with copper.

I love them! The copper glaze took some of the brightness out of the teal, but it is still very bold - which I like. Kind of funny since I don't consider myself a very bold person. Hmm...maybe that's why I like the color so much. And they also have a worn, kind of vintage quality about them.

And, yes, that is snow outside the sliding glass door. We are getting pounded with our first snow storm of the season here in the Western United States. I've been super grumpy - I think I need some cookies and a cup of coco! And a healthy dose of sunshine. And maybe a little Castle, too.

1 comment:

  1. cute. That is very much in right now. I've thought about doing some different things using the textured wall paper.
    p.s I love Castle too! can't get enough of it!
